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Editing installations

Only users with an "Administrator" role in a project can access these tools.

Installations can be edited one-by-one or in bulk. The instructions below describe how to edit a single trap. The same method can be used to edit bait stations and monitoring stations, just replace the word "trap" with "bait station" or "monitoring station" as needed.

To edit a single installation

  1. Select the installation you want to add a record to (from one of your project maps, or the lists of traps/stations in the respective sections of your project). Click on the link that appears in red font, which will load the page for that installation.

  2. Click the "Edit" button under the name of your installation at the top of the page (see screenshot below)
  3. When you've edited the installation, click the green "Save" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
