Installations (Traps, Bait Stations, Monitoring Stations and POIs)
Traps, Bait Stations Monitoring Stations and POIs (Points of Interest) are all types of installations - the fundamental parts of the Trap.NZ system. New Traps overview page is always looking for ways to help the usability of our product, to aid this the new t...
Installations overview
The Traps, Bait Stations, Monitoring Stations and Points of interest sections of your project all...
Map icons - website
Monitoring Traps Camera monitoring Standard trap Track...
Installation fields
Glossary of terms for each field for each installation Traps Fields for adding a trap. Required...
Adding installations
Traps, bait stations, monitoring stations, and points of interest are all managed in roughly ...
Setting up a Bird count monitoring station
After undertaking pest eradication in an area, you will see a decline in catches and bait take, h...
Adding installation records
In order to add a record to an installation, you need to have the correct permissions. http...
Creating and Opening images taken using the trap.NZ App camera
This is helpful to projects wanting a visual reference of installations or their surrounds Pr...
Camera trap recording and reporting including AI
Projects using motion-triggered cameras (‘camera traps’) can use the Trap.NZ’s camera trap functi...
Deleting installation records
View all of the relevant installations by going to "Traps", "Bait stations", "Monitoring"...
Adding supplementary traps
Note: It is likely that all supplementary traps will be converted to collocated traps in the futu...
Editing a single installation
The instructions below describe how to edit a single installation. Installations can also be edit...
Retiring an installation via the trap.NZ website
Retiring an installation Retiring an installation is used when you are no longer wanting an inst...
Unretiring a retired installation
There could be many reasons you would want to unretire an installation, a member may have acci...
Changing the trap condition to disabled
For traps that require an open or closed status has created the disabled condition. 1. Op...
Bulk editing installations
Only users with an "Administrator" role in a project can access these tools. The instruction...
Downloading installation information
Installation data (including name, type, location etc.) can be downloaded to a CSV or KML file. C...
Sorting installations
On the Traps, Bait Stations, or Monitoring Stations section of your project, you can sort the ord...
Moving installations
See also: Moving installations using the app In order to move an installation you mu...
Moving installations between projects
The instructions below outline how to move traps between projects. The process is basical...
Deleting installations
An installation can only be deleted if there are no records associated with it. If you wish to d...
Deleting Supplementary traps
Supplementary traps are essentially double traps, therefore when making the decision to delete a ...
Remote monitoring traps with sensor technology enables trappers to remotely monitor devices (traps, bait stations etc) using sensors fro...