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App Open Beta testing Open Beta Testing allows app users to experience the next level functionality early. It comes 'warts n all' so may have bugs, but this is your chance to help identify and fix those, why feeling like a next level trapper! Android ...
App wont open - says “Login requires network coverage”
The app occasionally has an issue where it will not open and gives a message that it requires network coverage, even when you have reception. This is a reply from an app user who found this worked for his Android phone In our case this issue turned out to...
QR & NFC Overview's NFC/QR code functionality streamlines fieldwork by providing context-sensitive actions based on user access level. Scanning a code: Opens the trap record form for existing project members. Offers to download the project if the user has access but...
Handout for - starting out
Aotearoa is working towards our native species being safe from extinction and thriving alongside us – and everyone has a role to play. Create an account on Find or create a project If you need help with anything, Handout for starting ou...
Adding one-off records
A one-off record does not need to have a permanent location attached to it. You may want to add one-off catches for various reasons, from shooting to road kill and predation. To add a one-off record on the website 1. Click the One-off record tab. ...
Adding one-off records - Phone app
A one-off record does not need to have a permanent location attached to it. You may want to add one-off catches for various reasons, from shooting to road kill and predation. To add a one-off record using the phone app Click on the + install tab on the...
Steps for Handling Unreachable Project Administrators
Occasionally, receives inquiries about a project administrator who cannot be contacted by current or new members wishing to join. While we recognise that projects are owned by their administrators and members, we will assist when an administrator is un...
Understanding the difference between juvenile and mature possums
Understanding the difference between juvenile and mature possums To avoid confusion when distinguishing between juvenile and mature possums, the key detail for juvenile possums is their weight, which is less than 800gm, which indicates the back rider/adult th...
Reporting using the NZAT / reporting app
Individuals with one or more traps can see records of their trap interactions using the app. To use the report, log in to (with the account you use on the AT220 app) and go to It can also be found o...
Using a QR codes
QR codes allow you to enter trap records quickly via the phone camera. Note: NFC / QR is only enabled for traps. If you would like this feature enabled for all installation types, please vote here. Which phones are compatible with QR? Technically, all phone...
Using NFC tags
NFC tags allow you to enter trap records quickly via Near Field Communication, just tap and go. They also allow passers by to get information about the project, and even request project membership. Easy to program using the app, and reusable if nee...
Finding your unique trap QR code
QR codes have now been generated for every trap listed on You can print them out and use your mobile phone camera to access the "Add Catches" form. (Most phones have this feature built-in, but some may require downloading a free QR code reader app.) ...
Adding One-off records - using the website
One-off records are observations or catches you wish to add to your project without associating them with an installation. has two ways to add one-off records. You can use either the mobile phone app or the website. For instructions...