Adding installations
Traps, bait stations, monitoring stations, and points of interest are all managed in roughly the same way. The instructions below describe how to add a new installation to a project. You can also bulk import multiple traps, bait stations, monitoring stations, and points of interest from a CSV file. There are help blocks on each of those pages with what column names are required, and what the allowed values are for each field. Fields for adding a bait station. Required fields are indicated by * Fields for adding a Monitoring station. Required fields are indicated by * Monitoring Station number/ code*: a reference name for this monitoring station (it doesn't actually have to be a number), this is what will be displayed on the map and can be whatever you wish. If you have a lot of numbered monitoring stations it is useful to add leading zeros to the number (e.g.M001, M002. etc). This will allow you to easily sort them numerically by clicking the column header. Date installed*: defaults to today's date. This date can be used for maintenance purposes (e.g. you may want to identify monitoring stations older than a certain date for replacement). Installed by: the name of the person who installed this monitoring station. Monitoring station type*: select the type of monitoring station from the drop-down list. If your monitoring station type is not listed you can add another term under the project categories on your project main page. Trap line: select from a list of lines you have set up (default is none). This can be used to filter the monitoring stations when entering records. (Please note: a trapline is a historical term for a route along which a trapper sets traps, your line does not have to include traps) Retired: check this box if the monitoring station is no longer used (or moved to a different area). The monitoring station will be removed from most displays but historical data will be retained. Fields for adding a Point of Interest. Required fields are indicated by * Title*: This is what will be displayed on the map and can be whatever you wish. POI Type: There are three main types of Points of interest, hazard, important vegetation, and signage. You can also add your own terms by selecting project categories on the project main page. Start Date: defaults to today's date. End date: In the case of a stream this would be left blank. However, in the case of poison signage, it may have an end date. Trap line: select from a list of lines you have set up (default is none). This can be used to filter the monitoring stations when entering records. (Please note: a trapline is a historical term for a route along which a trapper sets traps, your line does not have to include traps) Tags: Add tags to this installationAdding traps
Adding bait stations
Adding Monitoring Stations
Adding Points of Interest