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Andy Saunders
User for 3 years
Recently Created Pages View All
QR & NFC Overview's NFC/QR code functionality streamlines fieldwork by providing context-sensitive actions ...
App Open Beta testing Open Beta Testing allows app users to experience the next level functionality ear...
Proximity servicing adjustments
The detection zone for automated installation servicing based on proximity can be adjusted to sui...
App: Recording a GPS track
Note: The phone needs to have location services set to Always On (Android, iOS) AND have battery ...
I'm stuck, how do I get support?
If you do get stuck or have a curly one, send us a message via the contact form. Please include a...
Recently Created Chapters View All
Getting Started
We are busy preparing the help section for the Design Tool. Please contact us at support@trap....
Projects need Administrators, Managers, and Trappers. In backyard projects, that's the same perso...
Installations (Traps, Bait Stations, Monitoring Stations and POIs)
Traps, Bait Stations Monitoring Stations and POIs (Points of Interest) are all types of installat...
Reporting is critical for accountability to trappers, funders, councils etc. It's also really int...