Trap.NZ Comprehensive User Guide
Trap.NZ is a free service used throughout NZ for recording trap, bait station, monitoring, and biodiversity outcome data.
Ways to contact
You may need to contact to discuss your project, and how to use the programme or you may ...
Your account
Registration and logging in to your account
Creating a new account
To use Trap.NZ you must first create an account. You can do this on our website by fo...
Pre- Authenticated Member
What is a pre-authenticated member? This is a person who has created a trap.NZ account but...
Forgotten your password?
If you've forgotten your password, you can reset your password. Enter your Trap.NZ username...
Editing account details
You can update your Trap.NZ account details, such as your email address, password, username and c...
In order to start adding traps and recording catches, you need to be part of a project. Projects ...
Joining an existing project
Hopefully, there is an existing project close to the area you are interested in trapping. In this...
Finding a project to join
A project allows a group of people to collaborate on managing installations within a geographical...
Creating a new project
If there isn't a nearby project for you to join, or you'd like to create your one, you can create...
Editing project details
Only users with an "Administrator" role in a project can access these tools. As an Administrator...
Editing your project's boundaries
There are many different reasons you may need to edit your project boundaries, and if you are the...
Merging two projects
Administrators only Often when you have projects side by side it makes sense for maintenance ...
Project Categories
You must be a project Administrator have access to the "Project categories" section. For vide...
Adding your terms into Project categories
This helps with projects that need terms that are not offered under the default terms on trap.NZ ...
Leaving a project
If you no longer wish to participate in a project you have joined, you can leave at any time. ...
Deleting your project
Only users with an "Administrator" role in a project can access these tools. As an Administrator...
Installations (Traps, Bait Stations, Monitoring Stations and POIs)
Traps, Bait Stations Monitoring Stations and POIs (Points of Interest) are all types of installat... New Traps overview page is always looking for ways to help the usability of our product, to aid this the new t...
Installations overview
The Traps, Bait Stations, Monitoring Stations and Points of interest sections of your project all...
Map icons - website
Monitoring Traps Camera monitoring Standard trap Track...
Installation fields
Glossary of terms for each field for each installation Traps Fields for adding a trap. Required...
Adding installations
Traps, bait stations, monitoring stations, and points of interest are all managed in roughly ...
Setting up a Bird count monitoring station
After undertaking pest eradication in an area, you will see a decline in catches and bait take, h...
Adding installation records
In order to add a record to an installation, you need to have the correct permissions. http...
Creating and Opening images taken using the trap.NZ App camera
This is helpful to projects wanting a visual reference of installations or their surrounds Pr...
Camera trap recording and reporting including AI
Projects using motion-triggered cameras (‘camera traps’) can use the Trap.NZ’s camera trap functi...
Deleting installation records
View all of the relevant installations by going to "Traps", "Bait stations", "Monitoring"...
Adding supplementary traps
Note: It is likely that all supplementary traps will be converted to collocated traps in the futu...
Editing a single installation
The instructions below describe how to edit a single installation. Installations can also be edit...
Retiring an installation via the trap.NZ website
Retiring an installation Retiring an installation is used when you are no longer wanting an inst...
Unretiring a retired installation
There could be many reasons you would want to unretire an installation, a member may have acci...
Changing the trap condition to disabled
For traps that require an open or closed status has created the disabled condition. 1. Op...
Bulk editing installations
Only users with an "Administrator" role in a project can access these tools. The instruction...
Downloading installation information
Installation data (including name, type, location etc.) can be downloaded to a CSV or KML file. C...
Adding one-off records
A one-off record does not need to have a permanent location attached to it. You may want to add ...
Sorting installations
On the Traps, Bait Stations, or Monitoring Stations section of your project, you can sort the ord...
Moving installations
See also: Moving installations using the app In order to move an installation you mu...
Moving installations between projects
The instructions below outline how to move traps between projects. The process is basical...
Deleting installations
An installation can only be deleted if there are no records associated with it. If you wish to d...
Deleting Supplementary traps
Supplementary traps are essentially double traps, therefore when making the decision to delete a ...
Remote monitoring traps with sensor technology enables trappers to remotely monitor devices (traps, bait stations etc) using sensors fro...
Adding One-off records - using the website
One-off records are observations or catches you wish to add to your project without associating t...
Importing installations using a csv file
This function may be helpful if you have a large project that you are wanting to import into trap...
Converting a spreadsheet to a CSV file for importing data to trap.NZ
This is a good option when you have a large number of records kept in spreadsheets that you would...
Downloading CSV files from your project
You can download your project information to back up your project files. The download file wil...
Lines allow you to group installations together. They don't require a physical location, though m...
Adding lines
How to add a line to your project Select your project from your My Projects list. Cli...
Editing lines
Start from the Lines section of your project (If you have more than one project, ch...
Managing line installations
Only users with an "Administrator" role in a project can access these tools. Note: The line need...
Downloading line information
Line information (line name, colour, and a wkt string describing the line path) can be downloaded...
Creating Lines from track logs
This is an effective method to create an exact line for your project. Generally it is better to u...
Managing member permissions
There are four roles which project members can have within a Trap.NZ project: Trapper, Advanced t...
Pre- Authenticated Member
What is a pre-authenticated member? This is a person who has created a trap.NZ account but ha...
Adding and removing members
As the Administrator of a project, you are able to add, invite and remove people from the proje...
Managing member assignments
Assign members to installations By default, members with the Trapper or Advanced trapper role ca...
Assigning members to installations on a line
Only users with an "Administrator" role in a project can access these tools. By default, members...
Reporting is critical for accountability to trappers, funders, councils etc. It's also really int...
Project reporting
This is helpful for externally funded projects that are required to provide evidence of results a...
Creating a static hex project map
The static project hex map is useful for projects to show an audience your project/projects catch...
Camera trap recording and reporting including AI
Projects using motion-triggered cameras (‘camera traps’) can use the Trap.NZ’s camera trap functi...
Reporting using the NZAT / reporting app
Individuals with one or more traps can see records of their trap interactions using the app. ...
Understanding the bait-taken calculations
The bait-taken calculations can be a bit confusing to begin with, however, once you understand th...
Organisations are a way of grouping multiple projects together. Members who are added to an organ...
Organisations overview
Trap.NZ organisations are used by groups who trap in multiple geographic regions but want easier ...
Creating an organisation
The tech team at Trap.NZ can create an Organisation for you. There's no way of a user doing this ...
Editing Organisation details
Only users with the Org Admin role are able to edit access these tools. As an Org Admin, you can...
Organisation roles
In addition to the four project roles, organisations provide an additional two roles: Org member ...
Adding and removing Organisation members
Adding members to your organisation, and removing members from your organisation works the same a...
Adding a Project to an Organisation
Trap.NZ Organisations are used by groups who trap in multiple geographic regions but want easier ...
Adding and removing Organisation projects
In order to add or remove projects to an Organisation, you must be both the project's Administrat...
Mobile app
To use the app you need an account on the Trap.NZ website which is a member of an existing projec...
App: Getting started
The Trap.NZ app works with the TrapNZ website and allows you to record trapping data on your ...
App: Logging in
To use the app you need an account on the Trap.NZ website which is a member of an exi...
App: Understanding the project map
Map Icons Serviced today Within service period Outside service period / no record...
App: Menu overview
To access the app menu, click on the "hamburger" menu (the three horizontal lines in the top ...
App: Project settings
The app's Project Settings menu can be accessed from the app menu. Synchronise Project N...
App: General settings
When you first open the Settings menu, you will see each of the categories listed. Tap on the cat...
App: Checking the sync logs
To view your app logs, select Logs from the app menu. When the Trap.NZ app is used offline...
App: Adding installations
To add an installation to your project Locate where you want to add the installation on t...
Adding a Collocated Installation
To add a collocated installation Collocated installations are installations located in the same ...
Installing sensor traps
Sensor traps allow the trapper to service the traps when they have been sprung. This removes the ...
Map features
By default, only the Filters list is shown. This allows you to select which kind of stations are...
Records overview
Using the map, tap on the icon for any installation to add a record to it. If the installation ...
Trap records
Date Defaults to the current date and time. Tap it to change it. Species caught Selec...
Bait station records
Date Defaults to the current date and time. Tap it to change it. Target species Selec...
Monitoring station records
Date Defaults to the current date and time. Tap it to change it. Target species Select a sp...
Setting up a Bird count monitoring station
After undertaking pest eradication in an area, you will see a decline in catches and bait take, h...
Bird count records
Settings Tap the cog icon to set the type of observations (seen, or seen and heard) a...
Adding one-off records - Phone app
A one-off record does not need to have a permanent location attached to it. You may want to add ...
Point of Interest records
Date Defaults to the current date and time. Tap it to change it. Title This could be anyt...
Moving installations in the app
Open any installation record form and expand the Installation Details panel. Use the Move locatio...
Retiring an Installation via the trap.NZ App
Retiring an installation is used when you are no longer wanting an installation in its current...
App: Using the "Walk Line" proximity function
Using the Trap.NZ app, you can automatically record trap checks along a line using your phone’s G...
Setting defaults using Manual complete
Adding default settings Setting default settings in your trap.NZ App is an easy process that c...
Steps to help ensure your phone app has accurate GPS locations
When using the phone app, you will need to follow these steps to minimise GPS location...
App: Recording a GPS track
Note: The phone needs to have location services set to Always On (Android, iOS) AND have battery ...
Proximity servicing adjustments
The detection zone for automated installation servicing based on proximity can be adjusted to sui...
Using Advanced field settings app
This setting allows for the option to collect more data that the standard settings while also ena...
Using Contractor mode
Contractor mode allows you to add property owners’ details into an installation’s details. This ...
Creating and Opening images taken using the trap.NZ App camera
This is helpful to projects wanting a visual reference of installations or their surrounds Pr...
Exporting your app service logs
Occasionally, there will be an issue when out checking or installing your installations. These c...
Resetting the phone app often has updates, however, despite vigorous testing, sometimes there can be issues that ...
Check your sensors
QR & NFC - Simplify Trapping
NFC and QR codes make trap records a breeze. No more finding traps on a map, searching by name, o...
QR & NFC Overview's NFC/QR code functionality streamlines fieldwork by providing context-sensitive actions ...
Using NFC tags
NFC tags allow you to enter trap records quickly via Near Field Communication, just t...
Using a QR codes
QR codes allow you to enter trap records quickly via the phone camera. Note: NFC / QR is only en...
Finding your unique trap QR code
QR codes have now been generated for every trap listed on You can print them out and use...
Map feeds
Trap.NZ provides a range of map feeds in OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) formats which can be li...
Generating an API key
In the My account section of Trap.NZ, you can generate an API key that’s associated with your use...
Accessing map feeds
Map feed addresses are in the format:
Trap records map feed attributes
Fields returned Field Description record_id the trap record UID ...
Downloading shape files, CSV, linking into Google Earth etc
The map server allows access to WGS 84 and NZTM projections and can also output in many different...
Accessing the Trap.NZ map feeds with QGIS
Accessing layers You can add a WFS Layers Layer > Add Layer > Add WFS Layer Create a new...
Accessing the Trap.NZ map feeds with ArcGIS
Accessing layers You can add a new WFS Server via Connections > Server > New WFS Server: Ente...
The map feeds and APIs are provided on the condition that you provide a data source attri...
Frequently Asked Questions
Having problems after a update often has updates, however, despite vigorous testing, sometimes there can be issues that ...
How can I tell the difference between the types of rats I catch?
Three species of rats are present in New Zealand and all of them were introduced here. Ship and ...
Understanding the difference between juvenile and mature possums
Understanding the difference between juvenile and mature possums To avoid confusion when disting...
Why can't new members see installations?
When a new member is added to a project without any permissions, they have limited ac...
Can I record ad-hoc kills on Trap.NZ?
In the event that a pest is killed by something other than a trap (e.g. roadkill, killed by cat/d...
The Proximity alert isn’t loud enough, how can I get it louder?
If you are finding the proximity function alerts are not loud enough try these steps 1. Selec...
How do I use the map tools?
Moving around the map You can pan around the map by clicking and dragging anywhere on the map....
Why don't the project stats on the main project map update immediately?
The project stats on the main project are are updated daily, not in realtime. If you have just ad...
Is my project data shared?
None of your project data is shared without your permission (please see our privacy p...
How can I find what app version I have installed?
When you're logged in to the app It is much easier to find the app version if you can log in to ...
What coordinate system does Trap.NZ use?
Trap.NZ uses WGS84 (EPSG 4326) projection Helpful links https://www.geo...
How to bulk load tracks and traps from DNR Garmin?
Rodney Bethel, a Senior GIS Analyst at Palmerston North City Council, has kindly provided u...
How can I enter GPS coordinates for installation locations?
If you have GPS coordinates, you can enter them into the Manual Coordinates box when adding an in...
Pre- Authenticated Member
What is a pre-authenticated member? This is a person who has created a trap.NZ account but ha...
I'm stuck, how do I get support?
If you do get stuck or have a curly one, send us a message via the contact form. Please include a...
Why can’t I import data? it says I’m not using the correct file encoding.
If your CSV file is not being accepted and it says “Source file is not in UTF-8 encoding”, you ma...
Starting out with
a) Create a account (it's a good idea to note down your ...
App Open Beta testing Open Beta Testing allows app users to experience the next level functionality ear...
App wont open - says “Login requires network coverage”
The app occasionally has an issue where it will not open and gives a message that it requires net...
Remote monitoring
Information on integrating radio sensors with Trap.NZ
Remote monitoring overview
Trap.NZ supports the remote monitoring of devices (traps, bait stations etc) equipped with sensor...
Integrating LoRaWAN sensors with Trap.NZ
This is a blueprint for projects to use to affordably configure sensors to submit data to Trap.NZ...
LoRa Gateway configuration
Overview This document describes how to take an off-the-shelf gateway device and set it up to pr...