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QR / NFC's NFC/QR code functionality streamlines fieldwork by providing context-sensitive actions ...

At my desk (Website)

The website is the control centre for your project(s). From adding single records to bulk...

In the field (Mobile app)

The app is the field tool for managing installations and records. From single traps to co...

Adding installations

Traps, bait stations, monitoring stations, and points of interest are all managed in roughly ...

Understanding the bait-taken calculations

The bait-taken calculations can be a bit confusing to begin with, however, once you understand th...

Reporting using the NZAT / reporting app 

  Individuals with one or more traps can see records of their trap interactions using the app. ...

Project Categories

You must be a project Administrator have access to the "Project categories" section.   For vide...

Resetting the phone app often has updates, however, despite vigorous testing, sometimes there can be issues that ...

App Open Beta testing Open Beta Testing allows app users to experience the next level functionality ear...

Bird count records

Settings Tap the cog icon  to set the type of observations (seen, or seen and heard) a...

How to bulk load tracks and traps from DNR Garmin?

Rodney Bethel, a Senior GIS Analyst at Palmerston North City Council, has kindly provided u...

Why can't new members see installations?

When a new member is added to a project without any permissions, they have limited ac...

How do I use the map tools?

Moving around the map You can pan around the map by clicking and dragging anywhere on the map....

Is my project data shared?

None of your project data is shared without your permission (please see our privacy p...

How can I enter GPS coordinates for installation locations?

If you have GPS coordinates, you can enter them into the Manual Coordinates box when adding an in...

How can I find what app version I have installed?

When you're logged in to the app It is much easier to find the app version if you can log in to ...

What coordinate system does Trap.NZ use?

Trap.NZ uses WGS84 (EPSG 4326) projection Helpful links https://www.geo...

Why don't the project stats on the main project map update immediately?

The project stats on the main project are are updated daily, not in realtime. If you have just ad...

I'm stuck, how do I get support?

If you do get stuck or have a curly one, send us a message via the contact form. Please include a...

Can I record ad-hoc kills on Trap.NZ?

In the event that a pest is killed by something other than a trap (e.g. roadkill, killed by cat/d...